JCPenney Associate Kiosk: JCPenney Associate is an official employee login. This website was introduced to provide benefits to thousands of employees. This website is used to provide easy access to information. And necessary documentation.
With the help of this software. Employees can easily apply for any application. And also they do have not to deal with the hr simple tasks. While they also a several other features. Like checking for the schedule. And also they can request to change the schedules.
With the help of this website, they can easily access any information on the benefits. Also, even former employees of JCPenney can access the JCPenney associate kiosk. For their documentation like w-2s and income verification. So remain with this blog. And you will come to know about the JCPenney associate kiosk and also what it offers.
JCPenney kiosk Overview
JCPenney associate kiosk This website is also known as the JCPenney kiosk. Hence you visit the website and click on the link. On the website, the page will open which consists of various options. Here are some important options:
- Look for employee ID
- Active Associates
- Former Associates
Let’s discuss all the above options in detail
Look for employee ID
If you want to access any information on this portal. Then you should have an employee ID. Hence you can also access this website. With the help of the username. It is important to have an employee ID. Not for the login JCPenney associate kids but also for doing several other tasks. However, if you do not know the employee ID. Then you to use the option to find it. there is a section which has a single entry. Which is to find your employee ID for the JCPenney associate kiosk.
When you click on this option. It will take you to a new screen. There you will get the option of primary validation. You can continue the process. To find your employee ID. By entering all the information. Which is required for completing the validation and verification process.
Active Associates
This section is one the most important sections of the JCPenney associate kiosk website. Hence this section deal with the current employees and their requirement. Therefore in this section, you will find the information related to the company. And also the role of the associate.
And you will find the login option here. Hence you require a username and password. Hence the password would be whatever. That you had set initially. Hence always use the strong password.
Hence after the login. You will get access to various other tools and options. Some of these are:
Jaime: It offers a wealth of information about any current associate at JCPenney. You can also use this to view the current schedule or weekly schedule at work.
Benefits: Employee can use this tool to check their benefits and also the relevant options.
Others: Several other aspects of the JCPenney may also be handled here. Including getting pay stubs, calendars, and forms to print.
How to reset your password: JCPenney Associate Kiosk
Hence the password reset option is the second choice in the active associates section. Hence it provides you easy access to change your password. This option is available on the login screen.
By clicking on that option it will take you to user information documentation. Did you get the details on changing the password and the link to follow? For this, you will need to have your employee ID. And in this case, the help desk has provided the information. The token number will likely be required as well.
Other Options For Active Associates
More options were also available. At the Associate Kiosk @ Home.
Here is the list of the additional details.
Associate FAQs
Arbitration of Employment Disputes
Benefit Contact Information
Electronic W-2 and Reissues
Employment and Income Verification

JCPenney Associate Kiosk: Former Associates
A former associate at JCPenney kiosk can have access to a specific kiosk on the website. For the 18 months after they stopped working at the organization. For this, the username will be your Employee ID at jc penny. While the password is a combination of your birth month, year, SSN, and the word JCP.
Important Jcpenney Contact Details
Tax: 1-800-567-W24U (9248).
Headquarters: 1-972-431-1000
HR: 1-888-879-2641 (also reachable at
Corporate Office Address
JC Penney Headquarters
6501 Legacy Dr.Plano, TX75024
In conclusion, the JCPenney associate kiosk is a valuable online platform for employees. Providing easy access to the information, documentation, and various tools. For active associates, the platform offers tools like Jtime for schedule viewing and a benefits section to check. And manage employee benefits. The password reset option is also available for easy security management. Overall, the JCPenney Associate Kiosk is a comprehensive platform. That enhances the employee experience. By providing convenient access to essential information and tools.