Root 5 value: The value of root 5 can be calculated by the long division method. And also we know that 5 is not a perfect square. Hence the the square root of the number n means, when we multiply the number n by itself we get the number n. Hence for the example square root of the number 16 is a 4. When we multiply the number 4*4 we get the number 16. Hence 16 is a perfect square. And also we multiply any number by itself we will get the square of that number.
Hence we have to calculate the square root of the perfect square number it become easier than the calculation of the square root of the number which has not have the perfect square. Hence we use the different numbers to find the square root of the type of the number. Hence we have to inverse the process of squaring the number. Let us look at the method that how we can find the square root of the 5.
Examples of perfect squares:-
4 = square of a number 2 = 2 × 2 = 22
16=Square of a number 4=4×4
25= Square of a number 5=5×5
36 = square of a number 6 = 6 × 6 = 62
49 = square of a number 7 = 7 × 7 = 72
121 = square of a number 11 = 11 × 11 = 112
Method to find root 5 value
Hence by this method, we can find the square of the perfect square numbers. However, it is difficult to calculate the square root of the numbers which has not the perfect square. Such numbers are 3, 5,7, 11,13,19, and so on. Therefore we use a different method for finding the square root of the number. Therefore, for this we use the different classic methods to find ]d the square root of the 5. This method is known as the long-division method.
The symbol used to denote the square root is ‘√’. Thus symbol is also known as the radical symbol or radix. Hence the the lies in between the radix is known as the radiant. Also, the number that lies in between the radiant is not a perfect square then we write that number in the decimal form.
How to use the division method to the value of root 5
Through this method, we can find the value of the square root of any number. With the help of this long-division method. Here are the steps to find the value of root 5 is mentioned below.
- First, we can write the 5 in 5.000000000
- Second then we have to choose the below 5 which has the perfect square. Hence 4 is the number. And it is a perfect square of the number 2. And also it lies below 5.
- Then write the number 2 on both divisor and quotient places. such that when 2 is multiplied by 2 gives 4. Subtract 4 from 5, you will get the answer 1.
- Then after carrying the two zeros below write down after 1 and take the decimal point after 1 in the quotient.
- Now add 2 in the divisor to make it 4. Take a number next to 4, such that when we multiply the combination with the same number, we get a number that is less than or equal to 100. Hence, we will take here 2, such that 42 multiplied by 2 gives 84, which is less than 100. Subtract it with 100 now to get the remainder. So, the remainder is 16.
- Then carry down the 2 zeros and repeat steps 5 to 4 place to decimal.
- Finally, we get the answer 2.2360
Root 5 value

Therefore, the value of root 5 is,
√5 = 2.2360…
√5 ≈ 2.24
In conclusion with the help of this process, we can find the value of any type of square root of a nonperfect square number. With the help of a long-division method. Hence this is an old and effective method to find the square root of any nonperfect square numbers. Also in this process, we involve the selecting of the numbers which has a perfect square number. That is less or equal to the given number. While nowadays we can calculate the square root of any given number. With the help of a modern calculator. But also the understanding of this kind of older methods to find the mathematical solution is very much necessary.